Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Divine Mercy

  1. What is Divine Mercy Sunday?
  2. Can I attend the Vigil Mass on Saturday and receive the graces of Divine Mercy Sunday?
  3. Can I receive Holy Communion on Mercy Sunday and offer those graces for someone else, living or deceased?
  4. How can I receive extraordinary graces on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  5. How do I receive the graces promised on Mercy Sunday when I can't get to church because of a serious reason (I'm homebound, seriously ill, or disabled)?
  6. I am Catholic, but I cannot receive Holy Communion because I'm divorced and remarried outside the Catholic Church. Can I receive the graces of Divine Mercy Sunday?
  7. I'm not Catholic. Can I receive graces on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  8. If Pope John Paul II declared the Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday, why don't all churches celebrate it? My pastor refuses to acknowledge the Feast.
  9. Is it required to pray the Divine Mercy Novena in order to receive the extraordinary graces on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  10. Must the Chaplet always be prayed at 3 PM?
  11. My pastor will allow us to pray the Divine Mercy Novena, but not on Good Friday or Holy Saturday. He says it interferes with the Holy Triduum, which are the holiest days of the year.
  12. Some people in our parish insist that we must go to Confession on Mercy Sunday because that's what St. Faustina wrote in her Diary. They want to do what she said, not some interpretation of it. Do I need to attend Confession on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  13. We used to pray the Chaplet "For the sake of Jesus' sorrowful Passion," and now you've changed the words and taken out the name of Jesus.
  14. Using the Chaplet as an Act of Reparation?
  15. What extraordinary graces are available on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  16. What is the correct way to organize a program for Divine Mercy Sunday?
  17. What is the role of the parish priest on Divine Mercy Sunday?
  18. When praying the Chaplet in our prayer group our leader changes the words and adds different intentions. Is this okay?
  19. When should I go to confession?
  20. Why is the beginning of the Chaplet optional?